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elf Pavlik
Strictly Moneyless

Video #1 - elf Pavlik
All these things that he witnesses daily made him feel deeply ill-at-ease… Until the day he refused to do something he considered dishonest. On that day, he got fired.
And that was the beginning of his moneyless adventures. No plans for him, everything began spontaneously. “I had some savings, I thought I would find a job to pay for the minimum : the bills of the room I was renting and food”, explains the young man. Little by little, he started a quest for a job but the idea of earning a living didn’t attract him anymore. As he wished to invest himself in some way to help people out, he decided to leave the money system behind…
And it works ! Or, to put it another way, it runs smoothly… “I’ve hitch-hiked to Amsterdam, Vienna, Oslo, Barcelona and Paris…” And Pavlik always makes it in the end, or almost ! Like last January for the Ouishare meeting day in Berlin… As he was supposed to host the exchanges, he ended up stuck in Munich the day before the gathering. And still, at 7pm sharp, he was where he was supposed to be, ready to start the debates.
“A few weeks ago in Rome, I was heading to a Ouishare summit” he remembers. Everything happened so quickly that none of his friends was able to offer him a couch. So he spent the night in a nature reserve. “It wasn’t cold, 15 or 16°C, I put down my mattress and sleeping bag. It was an incredible moment of peace and serenity with birds, enjoying starry sky !”
Pavlik quickly feels in touch with nature. Nothing surprising about that, since he sees and describes himself as an elf. It has even become his name. He has stopped using his old family name, from now on his name is Elf Pavlik.
In order to wrap up that first episode, many people have collaborated to its realisation. Benoit (@webreporters) and Anaëlle (@anaelle) have gone to Berlin to film, take photos, record the sound. Meanwhile in Paris, Alexandra supervised the work.
A small team then quickly came into being. Sylvain (@ChauxSylvain) indeed came to support Benoit during the editing phase, Timothy (@timothyduquesne) and Nicolas participated in the voice-over writing of the second version. Anaëlle took care of writing the article, and Elie came to put the finishing touches to the Sideways website codes.
Let’s not forget our favorite composer, Looping !
The translation into other languages was made by various contributors, especially Taïs and Elise for English, Julie, Haissa and María Jesús for Spanish and Deborah for Italian.
La Fabric @Berlin, Pavlik (@elfpavlik) and his friends, Le Labo de l’Edition (www.labodeledition.com), Nicolas Rodelet, Artefacts (www.artefacts.coop) and Emmanuel Doudat
This episode was entirely auto-financed. It was our pilot episode for working on the style of writing that we want to give to this series.
Now, we use the gift economy. If you liked this episode, you can participate with a gift. To know how the money is spent, have a look at our economic model. You can also contribute with your skills : corrections, sharing or other. Here is a list of possible participations you can give.
Should you have any query or simply the desire to share, do not hesitate to contact us !