RSU 14 (Regional School Unit 14), located in Windham, Maine, recently negotiated a new collective bargaining agreement with its teachers` union. This agreement, which covers the period from 2021 to 2023, has significant implications for both the teachers and the school district.

Collective bargaining agreements are contracts negotiated between unions and employers that set terms and conditions of employment. These agreements typically cover topics like wages, benefits, working conditions, and job security. The recent RSU 14 agreement includes several key provisions that will affect teachers` pay and benefits, as well as the overall functioning of the school district.

One of the most significant changes in the new agreement is a 2.5% increase in the base salary for teachers in each year of the contract. This increase reflects an effort by the district to remain competitive with neighboring school systems and attract and retain high-quality teachers. In addition to the base salary increase, the agreement also includes adjustments to several other components of the compensation package, including stipends for extracurricular activities and professional development opportunities.

Another notable provision in the agreement is an increase in the amount of planning time for teachers. This change will allow teachers to collaborate more effectively and develop better lesson plans, leading to improved instruction and student outcomes. Additionally, the agreement includes new language about the use of substitute teachers, providing more flexibility for schools to fill unexpected absences while still ensuring high-quality instruction for students.

Finally, the agreement includes several provisions related to health insurance and other benefits. Teachers will continue to have access to an excellent health insurance plan, with no changes in coverage or premiums. The agreement also includes an increase in the number of sick days teachers are allowed to use each year, as well as expanded parental leave provisions.

Overall, the new RSU 14 collective bargaining agreement represents a significant investment in the district`s teachers and the quality of education provided to its students. By providing competitive compensation, improving working conditions, and investing in professional development opportunities, the district hopes to attract and retain high-quality teachers and improve student outcomes. With these changes in place, RSU 14 is well-positioned to continue providing excellent education to the Windham community for years to come.

Rsu 14 Collective Bargaining Agreement